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Rollovers and Selections

Users can configure the appearance of the rollover card that surface when a user mouses over either a table entry or map icon. They can also configure the appearance of the selection card that surfaces when a user selects an entry on a table or map.

Card appearance

Rollover and selection cards will only appear when a map component is shown on the page.

Accessing the Rollover Configuration

To access the rollover configuration, click the user account settings menu in the upper right of the page and select Settings > Global Configuration.

Global configuration navigation

Global configuration settings
  • To configure the rollover card, select the Rollovers list item under Settings
  • To configure the selection card, select the Selections list item under Settings

Rollover configuration panel

Rollover configuration panel

Configuring The Rollover & Selection Card

The configurable settings of the rollover and selection cards are the same. The following section describes the configuration settings of the rollover and selection cards.

Available Blueprints for Card Display

The list of available blueprints/objects that can display rollovers are listed in the Types menu.

Each item corresponds to an element on the UI. For example, there may be an entry for assets that corresponds to the card that appears when rolling over or selecting an asset on the map. 

Each entry will also have an associated .history item - this is the configuration for when a user rolls over or selects an item in a history list viewer.

Attribute Configuration


The Label section allows users to configure properties about the label on attributes added to the card.

  • Show Label/Label Name: To show the name of the attribute in the card next to the value, check the box next to Show Label and input the name of the Label. To hide the name of the attribute (e.g. show the value only), uncheck the box.
  • Label Color: To set the color of the label text, click the 3-dot button and select Color. Specify a color in the field that appears. To set the color back to the default color, click the 3 dot bottom and select None.
  • Label Font: To set the label’s font family, size, weight, and style, change the appropriate fields in the Font section
  • Label Justify/Align: To set the label text justification and alignment, change the Justify and Align fields
  • Label Allow Text Wrap: To allow the text of the label to wrap, check the box next to Allow Text Wrap. To prevent the label text from wrapping (it will get truncated instead), clear the checkbox.


The Value section allows users to configure properties about the values displayed on the card.

  • Value Show if Empty: To show a value if the attribute is empty, check the box next to Show if Empty. To hide the value if the attribute is empty, uncheck the box.
  • Empty Value: To set the value that appears if the attribute is empty, specify the value in the Empty Value field. Common options are double dashes ( -- ) or blank.
  • Value Color: To set the color of the value text, click the 3-dot button and select Color. Specify a color in the field that appears. To set the color back to the default color, click the 3 dot bottom and select None.
  • Value Font: To set the value text’s font family, size, weight, and style, change the appropriate fields in the Font section.
  • Value Justify/Align: To set the value text justification and alignment, change the Justify and Align fields.
  • Value Allow Text Wrap: To allow the text of the value to wrap, check the box next to Allow Text Wrap. To prevent the value text from wrapping (it will get truncated instead), clear the checkbox.
  • Value Background: To set the color of the value background text, specify a color in the Background field. Note: This only changes the color around the text, it does not change the color of the entire cell.

Attribute Options

  • Variant: To have the card use a particular variant in UI builder, set the desired variant name in the Variant field
  • Background: To set the color of the card background, specify a color in the Background field. Note: Unless overridden by the even/odd row background color configuration, the rows of the card will alternate between the specified background color and a secondary color that is slightly lighter than background color.
  • Even Row Background: To set the background color of even numbered rows, specify a color in the Even Row Background field.
  • Odd Row Background: To set the background color of odd numbered rows, specify a color in the Odd Row Background field.
  • Title Color: To set the color of the card title, specify a color in the Title Color field.
  • Default Label Color: To set a default color for the attribute labels on a card, specify the color in the Default Label Color field. This configuration is overridden by an attribute’s label color configuration.
  • Default Value Color: To set a default color for the attribute values on a card, specify the color in the Default Value Color field. This configuration is overridden by an attribute’s value color configuration.
  • Default Suffix Color: To set the default suffix color, specify the color in the Default Suffix Color field.
  • Header Visible: To show the header/title of the card, check the box next to Header Visible. To hide the header/title of the card, uncheck the box.
  • Title Attribute: To specify which attribute is shown in the title of the card, indicate the name of the attribute in the Title Attribute field. This should match the name of the tag applied to the attribute of the Blueprint (e.g. if the asset ID attribute in the blueprint has a tag of is:name, then put “name” into the Title Attribute field).
  • Icon Attribute: To set the icon used in the card, leave the attribute as icon. Change the typeIcon URL in the blueprint’s metadata to change the icon image.
  • Icon Size: To set the size of the icon, specify the size with px added at the end.

Display Options

These settings are found in the Display tab next to the Types tab.

  • Visible: To toggle whether rollovers are visible or hidden across the entire UI, check or uncheck the Visible checkbox.
  • Placement: Specify the placement of the card on the map when mousing over (in the case of a rollover card) or selecting (in the case of a selection card) a table entry
  • Pointer Placement (rollovers only): Specify the placement of the rollover card on the map when mousing over an icon/object on the map. This placement is relative to the user’s pointer when they roll over an icon. It is independent of the Placement field which indicates the location of the rollover card upon table entry rollover.
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