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Table Viewer

The table viewer is a component which displays real-time data of devices, assets, or related blueprints in a table form.

Accessing the Table Viewer Configuration

To access the table configuration, click the gear icon in the upper right of the component and select Edit Settings.

Configuring the Table Viewer

Table viewer config panel

Table viewer configuration panel

The table view is organized by columns. The currently displayed columns are shown in the list on the left side of the panel.

To add a column to the table, click Add > [new column].

To reorder the columns, click and drag the column you wish to reorder into the desired location in the list.

Column Configuration

  • Column Name: To edit the display name of the column, change the Column Name field
  • Column Width: To set the default width of the column, change the Column Width field
  • Column Min and Max Width: To set the minimum and maximum allowable width of the column, set the Min Width and Max Width fields

Header Configuration

  • Header Color: To set the color of the column Header text, click the 3-dot button and select Color. Specify a color in the field that appears. To set the color back to the default color, click the 3 dot bottom and select None.
  • Header Font: To set the header’s font family, size, weight, and style, change the appropriate fields in the Header Font section
  • Header Justify/Align: To set the header text justification and alignment, change the Justify and Align fields
  • Header Allow Text Wrap: To allow the text of the header to wrap, check the box next to Allow Text Wrap. To prevent the header text from wrapping (it will get truncated instead), clear the checkbox.
  • Header Background: To set the color of the header background text, specify a color in the Background field. Note: This only changes the color behind the text, it does not change the color of the header cell.

Cell Configuration

The Cell configuration section refers to text in the main body of the table. 

  • Cell Empty Value: To set the value that appears if the cell contents are empty, specify the value in the Empty Value field. Common options are double dashes ( -- ) or blank.
  • Cell Color:  To set the color of the cell text, click the 3-dot button and select Color. Specify a color in the field that appears. To set the color back to the default color, click the 3 dot bottom and select None.
  • Cell Font: To set the cell’s font family, size, weight, and style, change the appropriate fields in the Cell Font section
  • Cell Justify/Align: To set the cell text justification and alignment, change the Justify and Align fields
  • Cell Allow Text Wrap: To allow the text of the cell to wrap, check the box next to Allow Text Wrap. To prevent the cell text from wrapping (it will get truncated instead), clear the checkbox.
  • Cell Background: To set the color of the cell background text, specify a color in the Background field. Note: This only changes the color behind the text, it does not change the color of the entire cell.

Allowing fields to be editable

To enable fields in the table to be editable by user input, click the gear icon in the upper right of the component and select Editable. In addition, the fields must be set to Source = User in Architect. This will make the following types of fields editable on the table by creating dropdowns:

  • Attributes that represent parent blueprints (e.g. the Company of an Asset). These fields must be populated using parent setters in Architect. See the documentation on setters for more information.
  • Attributes that are associated in a one-to-one relationship with the blueprints of the current page. For example, if assets and trackers are paired one-to-one, the Tracker field on the Assets table can be made editable, which will expose a dropdown listing all trackers for pairing
  • Fields using enum types (e.g. a discrete set of possible values)
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