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Search & Filter Overview

The Leverege IoT Stack provides robust capabilities to search and filter your data.

Searching for Data

Every page of the application contains a search, typically in the upper right of the UI. To search for given item on the screen, begin typing in the search bar.

Suggested matching values will be shown in the dropdown as the user types.

Hit enter to complete the search. The relevant search results will appear in the table, map, or other components that are configured on the page.

Search example

Example of search result suggestion feature

Filtering and Sorting Data

Each data column in a table viewer can be filtered and sorted.


To filter data, click the filter icon next to the column name. It will open a dropdown that contains the list of possible values. Check one or more those values and then click Apply to apply the filter. The results should then be filtered by the selected values.

Filter example

Example of filter dropdown when selecting the filter icon


To sort the data, click the column name directly. A colored line should appear above or below the column header to indicate that it's being sorted either ascending or descending. Click the column header again to cycle through the sorting options, which rotates through ascending, descending, or unsorted (default).

Sort example

Example of Asset ID column being sorted descending when clicking column name

The search bar can be configured so that only certain data fields are searchable. For more information on search configuration, see the documentation on Search in the UI Configuration section.

Configuring Filters and Sorts

It is possible to set defaults and base components for filtering and sorting for a given page using blueprint metadata. Defaults will apply to your search when no filters/sorts have been added by the user. Bases will always apply in addition to user selected sorts and filters.

To apply sorts and filters, add metadata to the blueprint of the object that you want to apply filters to. In the below example:

  • A default filter of Name = Bessey will be applied to all cows at the farm.cows path.
  • A base filter of Color = Blue will be applied to all cows on any cow page (objectType = cow).
  • A default sort of id by order asc will be applied to all cows on cow pages and a base sort of Name descending will be applied to all cows at the field.cows path.

Note: You can use the missing field of a sort with values of _first or _last to sort null values to the top or bottom of a list.

"searchOptions": {
    "filter": {
        "default": [{
            "filter": {
                "field": "data/name",
                "type": "equals",
                "value": "Bessey"
            "matches": {
                "path": "farm.cows"
        "base": [{
            "filter": {
                "field": "data/color",
                "type": "equals",
                "value": "Blue"
            "matches": {
                "objectType": "cow"
    "sort": {
        "default": [{
            "matches": {
                "objectType": "cow"
            "sort": {
                "field": "id",
                "order": "asc"
        "base": [{
            "matches": {
                "path": "field.cows"

            "sort": {
                "field": "data/name",
                "order": "desc",
                "missing" : "_first"
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